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n3w3ra > ║Troy Devereaux > 'Paparazzi Prince'▐ @paparazzinightmare Go to subcategory:
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  • Rank:Silver Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:04/29/2012 16:26 PM

Date Posted:10/31/2014 03:25 AMCopy HTML


out of character: This is the only one I'm doing. A lot going on right now, Sorry it's late too.

Never give up, never back down. That would be a perfect motto for what is happening right now wouldn't it? I mean let's recap shall we. Nora Blade drops the ball as the North American Champion and Troy becomes the new champion only to quickly lose it to a guy who is afraid to face a quickly rising Kai Sanchez once again leaving a champion who is no good. And now here we are with Troy getting his shot back and going against his best friend Kai Sanchez. The former champion and the Overdrive Champion. Which now that championship is being merged with the North American Championship to crown a new champion which is the Alpha Champion. One of these two men are going to walk out the victor and the first ever champion. It was a wonder if Troy could come back into existence again and become that top dog and that face of the company. Could he actually do it though by defeating his best friend? Who was to know? It was a test of who wanted it more and a test of friendship but when it's business that all goes out of the door.

.DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL. location: Tulsa, OK Coalition Arena
Seventy-two hours and counting and Troy was only becoming more and more anxious to get his hands on the newly announced Alpha Championship. He had to go through one of his best friends to get the championship in Kai Sanchez. The great thing about this match was it was going to be the match of the century. These two guys literally trained together and worked on new techniques so it was going to be one of those mirror matches. They know each other in and out and it was time for the world to see these two showcase their talent and really put IWC on the map. Of course you had to have someone there to get the thoughts on anyone going into a match of this caliber, so in comes Flint Harris with the smug look on his face walking towards Troy who had seem to not really be in the best moods.

flint harris  "Troy Devereaux. Boy, have you been quiet these last few weeks and especially since you lost the championship."

troy devereaux "Of course that would make someone like you happy, but look where that champion is now. Unemployed and you know what they say shit admires shit. As a matter of fact it was just shit that I let my guard down that soon and lost the championship. Yeah, I'll admit it was my fault but this is my rise back to the top and I'd be lying if I didn't say I was happy the frail guy left. He just couldn't cut it so there was no reason for him to even waste our time in this company. And it's all fine and dandy that the championship didn't come back to me. I don't believe in being handed anything. I work for what I want. I am going to have to work really hard to be named the first ever Alpha Champion against my best friend Kai Sanchez."

flint harris  "Speaking of that, how do you feel about going up against Kai? Don't you think this will put a damper on your friendship?"

troy devereaux  "A damper? Yeah if you're like five years old and fighting over a cookie. We are here to do a job and we have a very strong respect for each other. If I was still champion Kai was next in line for the championship anyways and I would have not wanted it any other way. If we are the top two stars fighting for the top championship then that means we did our job to get to where we want to in our career. Alex has won the Women's Championship. After Horrorfest Westwood and LeFluer will be the Tag Team Champions. So regardless of who wins the Alpha Championship all titles will be in the circle of us who all defy authority. We march to the beat of our own drum so yeah myself and Kai are going to go out there and tear the house down. This will not rip us apart from being friends. I am going to go out there and let Kai know why I am the best in this company. He won the overdrive championship after me therefore cementing his name as the second runner up in this company after me. Not calling Kai second rate by any means. I'm calling him one of the best this place has to offer, there is no taking it easy and having an easy way to get to something. We are going to fight and I will not hold anything back. Flint, I am going to be the next Alpha Champion."

flint harris  "Alright. I thought we were going to be done seeing you at the top, but what if Kai surprises you with a victory?"

troy devereaux  "You like to try and put riffs in the water don't you? You want to see if there is anything negative I have to say about Kai. It won't happen, just know that the only thing negative I am going to say is that if Kai thinks I'm going to lay down easy for him just so he can have his chance to be at the top he's wrong. He knows I won't do that though. He knows that if he wants that spotlight that I currently hold he will have to take it from me and I'm not an easy joker to put away in the Asylum. Just when he thinks he will have the advantage I will change the pace and momentum out of nowhere. It's like a cat and mouse game that will be played back and forth between us. He wants it and so does I. It's fair game but we both know that I will be victorious. If not then I will stand up and shake his hand because the better man won at the end of the night."

flint harris  "Admit it there will be a little rage and jealousy if he does win."

troy devereaux "For what? That's so petty. I already know that down the road whoever wins one of us will be right there next to get another shot. If I walk out of there victorious then by all means I wouldn't mind giving Kai a rematch if he wanted it. There is no point in being a sore loser about it. Professional jealousy only sets off your downfall in this kind of line of work. Kai, let's go out there and tear the house down and make Horrorfest the best pay per view of the year. May the best man win my friend. Flint.... bug off."

Troy pushes Flint away from him and walks off.

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